Types of Training [Personal Training Limassol]


Kickboxing is a combat sport based on (you guessed it) kicking and punching.

It’s a great way of strengthening and toning your whole body while at the same time improving your balance, agility, flexibility, muscle endurance and explosiveness.

With our PTKB system, your training can be strictly recreational, for competition, or both.

It’s your choice.


As most of us in this date and age, you probably spend most of your time sedentary in front of a screen, only to take a break from it by sitting in front of another screen. Combining bodyweight, and weighted exercises we can help you combat inactivity and reverse or mitigate the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

So put on your headband and leg-warmers and let’s train to the glorious sounds of the 80s.1

1Headband and leg-warmers are not mandatory.


Have you been invited to a gun show yet still have some extra space in those sleeves? Say no more. We are here for your progressive overloading pleasure.

Joking aside, we all know that muscle building makes us stronger and improves our physical appearance. But it can also have numerous health benefits, such as boosting our metabolism, building our bone density and improving our overall functional ability. 


Weight loss is a common goal for many people who want to improve their health and lifestyle. While there are many fad diets and quick fixes that promise rapid weight loss, the most effective way is always through a combination of regular physical activity and a well-balanced nutritional program. This will see you build muscle, increase your metabolism and effectively burn more calories. All leading to a healthy and sustainable weight loss.

For some this journey might be harder than for others, but it is one that we will gladly share with you.

Group Training [Classes]


Join our kickboxing group classes on Tuesdays (18:00 – 19:00) and Thursdays (18:30 – 19:30) for a collaborative and engaging way to learn and practice kickboxing. These sessions concentrate on a balanced mix of fundamentals, advanced techniques, and dynamic drills using heavy bags and pads, catering to both beginners and advanced practitioners.

Our group classes offer the same comprehensive training as our private sessions but in a communal setting that emphasizes value and shared learning experiences. This format not only enhances your skills but also allows you to connect with fellow enthusiasts in a supportive environment.

The training area is thoughtfully equipped with air conditioning and punching bags to ensure a comfortable and effective workout. Dive into our friendly and energetic atmosphere to elevate your kickboxing skills and enjoy the camaraderie of group training.

Find me at:


Agias Filaxeos, Limassol 3082

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